Discover and Develop Your Voice with Lisa Richards

Supporting singers and speakers to unlock their vocal potential, overcome challenges, and connect deeply with their audience, all while keeping their voices healthy and strong.

Hello and welcome! I’m Lisa, and I’m here to help you tap into the full potential of your voice. Whether you’re just curious about singing or you’re looking to refine your technique, I provide personalised coaching to help you develop and refine your sound,  sing safely and confidently, and connect deeply with your audience.

Book Your Free Discovery Session Today  

Your voice is a potent medium for communication and self-expression. By combining vocal technique with exploration, you can deepen your connection to your voice and to your audience, ultimately achieving a distinctive artistic identity that captivates listeners.

After thirty years immersed in diverse musical traditions, my approach to teaching goes beyond technical proficiency. It's about guiding you to discover your voice's true potential, connecting deeply with your audience, and honing a unique artistic identity. Specialising in voice and songwriting, I welcome students of all levels and backgrounds, from beginners to seasoned performers, including those who've never sung, struggle with pitch, or are convinced they can’t sing.

Each voice and each person is unique. Scroll down to discover the ideal pathway for you, whether you're taking your first steps in music or are already engaged in live performances and recordings.


 Private Voice Lessons  and Coaching  Tailored one-on-one sessions to focus deeply on your personal vocal needs and goals. Perfect for singers who need specific guidance and personalized strategies.

Vocal Workshops and Group Sessions Participate in workshops where collective learning and individual discovery go hand in hand. It’s about sharing the journey, honing your craft and enriching each other's musical paths.

Remote Learning: Geography should not limit your access to quality vocal training. My remote zoom sessions ensure if you are based outside of Canberra, Australia, we can continue your vocal development and keep you on track for your professional  and personal goals.

Private Lessons for Young People: Voice/Guitar/Songwriting 
I work with a limited number of young people to unlock their creative potential, enhance vocal health and technique, and build confidence in the areas of voice, songwriting and guitar.

Vocal Workshop for Young People - Intro to Voice

Songwriting Workshop for Young People

Voice Lesson FAQ



“Lisa is intelligent, insightful and is a superb communicator. She listens, observes, and thinks, with the feeling and touch of a talented singer, songwriter and teacher. It is her ability and desire to connect to people, their dreams, their joy and their pain, and her ability to create a learning environment that is challenging yet secure that makes her an exceptional teacher.” 
 Professor John Close, Deputy Director, Dept of Quantum Science, ANU

 The teaching you provided, as well as the voice warm-up cds I took from our lessons, have really been life-changing on so many levels. I can't thank you enough...deepest gratitude for your help on my path to healing and self-liberation.
Celestine A'duende, New Orleans  

“Lisa helped me find my voice and gave me the tools I need to use my voice at it’s best. Working with her gave me the confidence I needed to perform in front of an audience and truly enjoy the process of making music.” Suzee Brooks

 As someone who never made so much as a squeak in public or private, taking singing lessons was quite a daunting undertaking.  With Lisa's help I have built up an interesting repertoire of songs and I have been able to enjoy giving an occasional private performance for those near and dear - something I would never have dreamed of doing before I met Lisa.
Lisa helped me to find my voice and I have no hesitation in recommending Lisa to anyone else who wants to find theirs Rena E. Smith, Lakeway Texas

 We thank God for you Lisa... You helped give Sydney her voice...singing or just speaking out...
Laurie, Kurt and Sydney